Sunday, January 18, 2009

Amazing Grace

Far too often in life, we over look the little things. We get used to things, and they become "boring" to us. We are too focused on what's new and exciting, and we forget the simplicity and beauty that can be found when we closely examine the things that we are accustomed too, instead of taking them at face value.

One such example can be found in a song. The song "Amazing Grace" is believed to have been written in late 1772. Almost 237 years later, the song is as true and inspiring now as it was the day it was penned. All we have to do is look at, and think about, the words to realize how encouraging and stimulating it really is.

Amazing: causing amazement, great wonder (rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience), or surprise.
Grace: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.

Amazing grace (awesomely mysterious, unmerited, divine assistance) how sweet the sound (pleasing to the ear, mind, soul. Bringing comfort)

That saved (to rescue or deliver from danger or harm) a wretch (a base, despicable, or vile person) like me

I once was lost (not made use of, won, or claimed/ ruined or destroyed physically or morally/ unable to find the way) but now I'm found (rescued, provided for, protected)

was blind (sightless, unable to discern or judge, vulnerable), but now I see (represents a miraculous healing. Like Saul, the scales have fallen from our eyes.)

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear (to fear God and be in awe of his love, mercy, and power) and grace my fears relieved (no fear of the Enemy or things of the world. No matter what happens, we will be taken care of and provided for. Saved.)

How precious (of great value or high price, highly esteemed or cherished) did that grace appear, The hour I first believed

Thru many dangers (liability to injury, pain, harm, or loss), toils (struggle, battle, long strenuous fatiguing labor), and snares (traps) I have already come (meaning we have been delivered from the things of the world)

'Twas grace that brought me safe thus far (we didn't do it on our own), And grace will lead me home (God's grace and provision will NEVER leave us)

When we've been there ten thousand years (an amount of time that no human can honestly fathom or imagine), Bright shining as the sun (could also be seen as SON. We will be transformed and more like his image. Pure, perfect, spotless)

We've no less days to sing God's grace, than when we first begun (an ETERNITY {ENDLESS time})

Reading these words and searching our hearts, how can we not feel a stirring? How can our emotions not well up inside of us. How can we not catch a glimpse of our God and his love for us?

This song does so much for me. It inspires and encourages me, yet it also humbles me. It makes me realize how undeserving I am, and how great God is for providing anyway. I'm so glad it's not performance based. I don't have to pray 5 times a day, or confess my sins to a priest who tells me how to atone for my sins. All I have to do is accept Christ and his gift. It's so simple, why do we make it so hard to understand?


  1. knocked it out of the park on your first swing. well done bro.

  2. I'm so glad it's not performance based. I don't have to pray 5 times a day, or confess my sins to a priest who tells me how to atone for my sins. All I have to do is accept Christ and his gift. It's so simple, why do we make it so hard to understand?

    OUTSTANDING! Thanks for the good read and insight.
